Residential Gas Heating Contractor | Lloyd's Electrical Construction
  (617) 484-1544

Why Should I Convert from Oil to Natural Gas Heat?

First of all, you want to save money. Did you know you can literally save $1000’s by converting your oil system to natural gas? But don’t take our word for it: The Federal Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently reported that oil heat users spend an average of $2535 on heat during the winter season, whereas natural gas users only spend about $732- that’s a difference of $1800, which means extra money in your pocket. It’s no wonder only about 8% of the US still uses oil heat.

In addition to saving money, natural gas is also safer for the environment. It emits less pollutants such as sulfur dioxides and particulates when burned. So now you have two good reasons to switch, and we’d be happy to answer your additional questions and give you a quote on an oil-to-gas conversion.

Give us a call at (617) 484-1544, or fill out our quote form on the right side of the page for more information.

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We have contracted LLoyds Electrical to maintain our central air conditioning and heating systems for the last 10 years. We haven't had anything malfunction in 10 years, so we are more than happy with the service. They always show up on time and the owner really cares about doing a great job.


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